Guaranteeing affordable health insurance for all, changing the way doctors and other health care providers are paid, and better organizing and coordinating care delivery are among the top action items that await the next president, according to a report by the Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System.
Medicaid is falling short in providing services for children with very low birth weight, according to a study by Boston University researchers, who say their findings reinforce the Institute of Medicine's concerns regarding inadequate outcome data and health care services for pre-term infants.
It seems only yesterday that many states were enthusiastically embracing an improving fiscal situation and making plans to restore many of the Medicaid cuts and restrictions that had been adopted during economic downturn.
Four years after Texas voters approved a state constitutional amendment limiting medical malpractice lawsuit awards, doctors from all around the country are moving there to add to the ranks of specialists at Texas hospitals and bring health care to some underserved rural areas.
To determine what barriers prevent patients with low health literacy from navigating a health care system, it's important for organizations to do an inventory.
Instead of handing patients piles of papers during the discharge planning process, case managers and social workers at The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, NJ, simply refer them to the hospital's Valley C.A.R.E.S. web site, a resource with links to more than 2,000 agencies, facilities, organizations, and informational sites.
Health literacy, according to the Institute of Medicine, is "the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions" and research has shown that patients are not all created equal.
There are many resources that help health care institutions develop strategies for teaching people how to appropriately access health care and use it to their best interest.
Education about skin cancer is still needed, says Linda K. Franks, MD, FAAD, director of Gramercy Park Dermatology in New York City, though it is common to see adults on vacation making little effort to avoid the known risks for skin cancer, which is exposure to ultraviolet radiation.